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6 SEO Strategies Guaranteed To Draw Online Shoppers To Your Ecommerce Website

eCommerce SEO services

With the rapid advancement of digital technology, and the ongoing eCommerce SEO services shift in consumer behaviour, eCommerce sales are rapidly exploding.

Most people today turn to the internet to purchase everything. From basic goods to luxury products, search engines are everyone’s best friend in this shopping paradigm.

They do a quick inquiry using Google or Bing before heading to an online brand’s pages. And they are rewarded with search engine results pages or SERPs – a list of the most popular pages relevant to the keywords typed in by the user.

The goal for every online brand is to be in the first few pages of these results. How? By being visible to search engines with the help of eCommerce SEO services.

Here are six proven SEO practices that will generate organic traffic to your website and increase your sales.

  1. Create Compelling Content Relevant to Your Most Popular Products

Creating helpful content that offers value to its readers and interests them is a great way to drive a lot of organic traffic to your website. Beyond simply looking for products to buy, most consumers want to get information, find answers to questions, or be entertained.

With that said, is it possible to put your product in front of your target audience without blatantly selling it to them? The short answer is yes, and you can do this by covering topics related to your popular products instead of featuring these products themselves.

The quickest way to do this is by using online tools that let you generate detailed reports showing which of your products are selling. Using this report, you can create news articles, tutorials, and other informative content relevant to your best selling products.

  1. Use Meta Titles that Clearly Convey Your Search Intent

Meta titles and meta descriptions determine how your page looks in SERPs. They give users a quick insight into the content that you posted.

Your target audience then decides whether to click on your page or not, based on these titles. Search engines like Google also prioritize the order of search results based on these clicks, making them doubly important.

Here are some tips on how to make a compelling meta title:

  • Create a distinctive meta title for each page.
  • Insert your target keyword at all times.
  • Be consistent in using title or sentence case on all pages.
  • Your content should match the intent of search queries.

Below are some ways to write a meta description that works:

  • Make sure that it summarizes your content accurately.
  • Insert your keywords as much as possible.
  • Write a unique meta description for each page.
  • Include a mini call-to-action.
  1. Optimize Your eCommerce Website for the Right Keywords

The key to being visible to search engines is to know how they rank pages for SERPs. And one of the most important ranking factors is using keywords that match the search queries of most users.

You can start by studying your niche and defining your goals. This will set the stage for the main topics to build your content around. From there, you can create a list of seed keywords then use the best keyword search tools to come up with your search terms.

The next step is to study the search intent behind the queries. Why are the users searching about a topic? Do they want answers, or do they need to find a certain product? These are some of the questions you need to figure out. Once you do, you can fine-tune your keywords and match them exactly to the search intent of your target audience.

  1. Use Internal Links to or from the Most Important Pages on Your eCommerce Website

Most eCommerce SEO services focus on external links to boost SEO rankings, and for a good reason. However, you must give equal attention to internal links. Internal links can help your pages satisfy search engines that assign value to content based on the quantity and the quality of the pages that link to it. This is because they can pass authority to a page that is linked internally, helping them rank better.

You can start by creating a list of pages that have much value but are not ranking well for some reason. Then identify which pages currently have the most authority. You can then link the low-authority pages to your most authoritative ones.

More often than not, your homepage has the most authority among all the pages on your website. It is the best place to link if you want to boost the rankings of your other pages. Take note that you must choose an anchor text related to the keyword you are targeting and link to it naturally.

  1. Create Campaigns That Target Specific Regions

The internet has allowed businesses to reach customers from all over the world. This development has an impact on how you implement your SEO strategy. Specifically, you cannot come up with a blanket approach then deploy it blindly to all countries. The most effective strategy is to use a geo-targeted campaign that appeals to people in specific regions.

A good way to do this is by identifying which countries your online customers come from. Once you have this list, you can create personalized messages and content that target them specifically. There are plugins available that can show you which countries generate the most traffic to your website.

  1. Optimize Your Website for Mobile Internet Users

Mobile devices have become a permanent fixture for internet users all over the world. Aside from communication and entertainment, people use them to look for products to buy, destinations to go to, places to eat at, and everything in between.

If you want to reach as many customers as possible, you must have your website optimized for mobile use. This is one of the most effective strategies that eCommerce SEO services use, and you should look into it.

By generating more traffic to your website, you are giving potential customers more chances to interact with your brand. This gives you the opportunity to sway them into buying your products, hiring your services, or taking any other action that will be good for your business.

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