A balanced diet is essential for a strong and healthy body. In order to protect itself against diseases, the immune system needs the help of vitamins. Therefore, it is important that we learn about vitamins and the specific foods that help our body to absorb those vitamins.
Most vitamins, especially vitamin B, are available from specific foods. How can someone know whether he suffers from vitamin B deficiency? There are several signs to look out for. As soon as you spot any of the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency, it is important to make changes to your daily diet. This can help to prevent negative health issues and can strengthen your body as well. There are many types of vitamin B, each one serving a unique purpose.
Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B-12 is essential in helping to regulate the nervous system. It is also responsible for the formation of red blood cells. If you lack vitamin B12, you might experience some symptoms, such as tingling in your feet and your hands, constant fatigue and weakness, as well as depression.
Symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency
If you suffer from a vitamin B6 deficiency, you are likely to feel exhausted most of the times. Vitamin B6 is responsible for boosting energy levels as well as helping to maintain a healthy metabolism, skin health, and eye health. B6 acts as a natural pain reliever, boosts mood and creates antibodies, thus contributing to our overall well-being. In order to identify any lack of vitamin B6, look for signs of depression and mental confusion, muscle pain, and low energy levels. Sometimes you may even notice a few skin rashes.
Symptoms of vitamin B3 deficiency
This form of vitamin B plays a key role in metabolizing fats into proteins and keeping the nervous system working properly. If you experience symptoms like indigestion, nausea or fatigue, you might want to take a test to identify if you have a vitamin B3 deficiency. In some cases, prolonged and severe vitamin B3 deficiency can lead to a condition called Pellagra. Pellagra—a serious condition—is often described by “the four Ds”: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, and death but also can include skin lesions and an enlarged heart.
Symptoms of vitamin B9 deficiency
Vitamin B9 is vital especially for pregnant women and those who are planning to conceive. This vitamin helps in the formation of red blood cells and significantly reduces birth defects. Symptoms of this vitamin B deficiency include anemia or diarrhea.
Vitamin B deficiency treatments
If you have noticed one or more of the above symptoms, you need to get blood tests that measure the various vitamin B levels. This can help you identify how deficient you are and can help in designing a treatment plan. Most often a few lifestyle changes can help solve the problem and sometimes supplements are recommended.
You should always make sure that your diet has enough red meat, fish, dairy products and fruits. Green vegetables are rich in vitamins and nutrients. Eggs, tuna, and salmon are enriched with vitamins too and should be included in your daily diet.
Vitamin B supplements
If you notice any symptoms of vitamin B deficiency, you should immediately consult your physician and discuss if a supplement can help. The vitamin B supplements are available in a form that can be used by the body immediately. Moreover, supplements are available over-the-counter and are cost-effective.